Paul Radensky, M.D. - McDermott+Consulting


Paul is a Medicare law and policy authority who is board-certified in internal medicine and who helps clients navigate federal legislative and regulatory processes related to Medicare coverage, coding, reimbursement and compliance as well as regulatory and promotional compliance matters with the Food and Drug Administration.

Paul represents some of the country’s most innovative developers of pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices and diagnostics before Congress, Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Food & Drug Administration and other federal agencies.


Harvard Law School, J.D., 1988

Mount Sinai Hospital (NY) Resident in Medicine, 1979-1982 and Fellow in Liver Diseases, 1982-1983

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, M.D., 1979

Princeton University, B.A. (Biochemical Sciences)

Representative Experience

  • Washington representative of the Coalition for 21st Century Medicine, a collaborative effort among developers of and stakeholders interested in advanced laboratory diagnostics.
  • Washington representative and outside regulatory and reimbursement counsel to a life-sciences company that develops and provides novel personalized medicine tests.
  • Policy and reimbursement consultant to a global specialty pharmaceutical manufacturer.
  • Reimbursement consultant to a global device, diagnostics, and nutritionals manufacturer.
  • Reimbursement consultant to a global manufacturer of diagnostic products.
  • Lead Washington representative the Diabetes Access to Care Coalition, a lobbying collaboration among three major global manufacturers of diabetes testing equipment and supplies.
  • Reimbursement consultant to a global biopharmaceutical company.
  • Reimbursement consultant to a leading manufacturer of diagnostic imaging pharmaceuticals.


“CMS Take Steps to Modernize Clinical Lab Policies,” McDermott Will & Emery LLP On the Subject, Paul Radensky, M.D., John Warren and Eric Zimmerman, February 11, 2014.

6 New Medicare Proposals Firing Up Docs, Hospitals
Law360, September 16, 2013
Paul Radensky, commenting on surgeon complaints that Medicare’s proposed rule to create packages of payments for various tests, procedures, drugs and supplies would dissuade them from using products that are more expensive even if they’re also more effective, said that many of his clients are spooked by the plan. “When you talk to the clinicians who treat these patients, they will tell you that the products are not [equal],” Mr. Radensky said.

5 Must-Watch Issues For Health Cos. In 2013’s Home Stretch
Law360, September 13, 2013
Eric Zimmerman said of impending cuts in Medicare reimbursement to critical access hospitals and many providers of post-acute care, “It’s these things that have been out there for a while and have the president’s endorsement that are the most vulnerable.” Regarding another possible reimbursement cut to a variety of medical service providers, Paul Radensky described his specialty lab clients as “very concerned about this proposal.” Noting the need to revise Medicare reimbursement codes, Mr. Radensky added: “I think everybody agrees there are a whole lot of things that are around that weren’t around in the 1980s. The concern is the details.”