Physician Fee Schedule Payment System Data Dashboard - McDermott+Consulting

Physician Fee Schedule Payment System Data Dashboard

Have Medicare physician fee-for-service payment rates increased for X-ray services? How have remote patient monitoring prices evolved over the last five years? How much is your service paid in Alaska compared to Alabama?

McDermottPlus’ new, interactive Physician Fee Schedule Payment System Data Dashboard shows:

  1. The five-year trend in national Medicare allowed charges for more than 10,000 services paid under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS).
  2. Locality-specific Medicare allowed charges for services paid under the PFS for the most recent year (2024).

This dashboard can be used by providers, device manufacturers and specialty associations to see how payments for services of interest have changed across years and see how much their services are getting paid across localities.


Tailored Analyses for Your Organization

McDermottPlus can perform more tailored analyses for your organization, including but not limited to:

  • Redistribution impacts at the Specialty and BETOS level based on updates to underlying inputs, and adding/deleting CPT® codes
  • Modeling how regulatory proposals will impact individual providers
  • Simulating how changes in the underlying inputs such as supply, equipment, and labor will impacts practice expense RVUs
  • Estimating RVUs for new CPT® codes

To learn more, contact us below.