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Tag: prescription drugs

McDermottPlus Check-Up: January 24, 2020

This Week’s Dose: It was a relatively quiet week in Washington with the House of Representatives in recess and the Senate enmeshed in the impeachment trial. Activity is sure to pick up as so...

McDermottPlus Healthcare Preview: October 28, 2019

A House Vote on Prescription Drug Pricing Reforms Slips as We Approach a One Week Recess in the House. House Vote on Prescription Drug Pricing Slips. The House was moving lightning fast to advance H.R....

McDermottPlus Healthcare Preview: October 21, 2019

Administrator Verma is testifying, and the debate on prescription drug pricing reforms continues.   CMS Administrator Seema Verma Is In the Hot Seat. Administrator Verma will be testifying before the H...

McDermottPlus Healthcare Preview: October 14, 2019

Congress is back for a six week stretch.   What Will Congress Get Done in the Next Six Weeks? The next six weeks are critical for moving healthcare legislation and funding the government. The Senate is in sess...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: September 30, 2019

Congress is out on a two recess, but the effects of the impeachment inquiry will have long lasting impacts.   What Does the Impeachment Inquiry Mean For Health Care? Last week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: September 27, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Speaker Pelosi’s announcement of an impeachment inquiry dominated the news this week, but what does that mean for health care policy?

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: September 23, 2019

Congress has one last week in session before a two-week recess. This Means It Will Be a Busy Week. The first order of business is for the Senate to pass the short-term continuing resolution (CR) that the House ...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: September 20, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Speaker Pelosi released her long-awaited drug pricing bill, and the House Energy and Commerce Committee questioned drug companies’ financial motivations during a hearing ...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: September 17, 2019

The Government Funding Deadline is Quickly Approaching… Congress Has Two Weeks to Address Government Funding. Last week, we expected that the Senate Appropriations Committee would mark up of four fiscal year ...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: September 13, 2019

This Week’s Dose: The House and Senate are back in session with two weeks to go until the government funding deadline and lots to do. Congress...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: September 9, 2019

They’re Back….  Congress Is Back in Session. The first thing on Congress’ to-do list is to address government funding. With only three weeks to fund the government before a potential shutdown, Congress n...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: September 3, 2019

Welcome to September!  What Does The Rest of the Year Have in Store for us? Prior to the August recess, there was significant movement in Congress to advance health care proposals. As a reminder, the proposals...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: July 29, 2019

One chamber down. One to go before the August recess. What Will the Senate Do During Its Last Week in Session? It is likely the Senate will focus on issues outside of health care this week, so the health care community c...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: July 26, 2019

This Week’s Dose: The Senate Finance Committee finally released its drug pricing package and moved quickly to a markup. The bill passed out of committee, but work will continue before the fu...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: July 8, 2019

They’re back…and heading into the final weeks before the August recess. What Can Get Done? That’s the key question as we enter into the next four weeks. Congress has been very busy leading up to this stretch, and what gets...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: June 21, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Three weeks down, one week to go in this work period. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is moving forward with its cost containment legislat...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: May 13, 2019

We are half way through this four week work stretch… And the conversations continue to point to prescription drug pricing. Last week was a busy week on prescription drug p...

McDermottPlus Health Care Preview: May 6

Where are we on prescription drug pricing reforms? There has been a lot of congressional activity on prescription drug pricing. Since the beginning of the 116th C...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: May 3, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Lots of activity surrounding single-payer this week with a hearing, the introduction of two Medicare expansion bills and a report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: April 12, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Drug pricing continues to be the focus in Congress with multiple hearings and markups on the subject. So far, lowering drug prices remains a rare area of consensus among la...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: April 5, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Health care continues to dominate much of the attention on Capitol Hill. Lots of hearings. New coverage expansion legislation. And more state action on Medicaid. <...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: March 29, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Congress is back and busy. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) dominates the headlines. Congress Democrats Release...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: March 22, 2019

This Week’s Diagnosis: Recess usually means a light week. This one is no different. Congress PBMs Will Get Their Day…Just a ...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: March 1, 2019

This Week’s Diagnosis: Congress gets busy. Pharmaceutical CEOs testify and emerge unscathed. The Administration is quiet. Congress