Tag: MA
This Week’s Dose: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) distributed funding to increase coronavirus (COVID-19) testing capacity and announced a targeted Provider Rel...
This Week’s Dose: The Administration distributed the first wave of funding from the $100 billion Public Health and Social Services emergency fund, provided through the Corona...
This Week’s Dose: The House Ways and Means and Education and Labor committees released information on their surprise billing proposals, and President Trump delivered the State of the Union on...
This Week’s Dose: Three weeks down, one week to go in this work period. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is moving forward with its cost containment legislati...
This Week’s Dose: Drug pricing continues to be the focus in Congress with multiple hearings and markups on the subject. So far, lowering drug prices remains a rare area of consensus among law...
Congress Shutdown Stalemate. Over the past two weeks, the Democratic-controlled House has voted to fund the federal agencies affected by the shutdown. There have been short- a...