GAO Archives - McDermott+Consulting

Tag: GAO

McDermottPlus Check-Up: October 18, 2019

The Healthcare Preview podcast, now available on SoundCloud (link to profile here) This Week’s Dose: The House is moving ahead on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s drug pricing proposal.

McDermottPlus Check-Up: August 2, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Things have quieted down in Congress with the House out of session and the Senate wrapping up its last week before the August recess. But the agencies are still at work, so...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: June 28, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Lots of movement in Congress ahead of the Fourth of July recess with the House and Senate both advancing a number of health care bills. President Trump also signed an execu...

McDermottPlus Check-Up: December 7, 2018

This Week’s Diagnosis: Memorial services for President George H.W. Bush were held this week in Washington, DC and Texas. No agreement has been reached on border wall funding, which means Mem...