M+ Healthcare Preview: Week of November 2 - McDermott+

M+ Healthcare Preview: Week of November 2


THE ELECTION IS HERE! It is amazing to think that we are just hours away from Election Day. Hopefully, come Wednesday noon, we will know the outcome of the election, and at that time stakeholders can turn their attention to the consequences of the election for the Lame Duck session and the 117th Congress. Once we know the outcome, we will be able to determine which issues will be front and center for the pending battles ahead. The team at McDermottPlus has looked the various scenarios and looming questions to help you think through the election implications. Please make sure you have checked out our election content here.

POST-ELECTION WEBINAR. In collaboration with the health lawyers at McDermott Will & Emery, McDermottPlus is hosting a Post-Election Webinar on November 5 from 12:00 – 2:15PM (EST). We will be reviewing policy implications relating to healthcare delivery and reimbursement, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and future healthcare policies that likely to be hot topics during the Lame Duck and for 2021, including prescription drug reform, surprise billing, and transparency. Please be sure to join us for the webinar!

GEORGIA WAIVERS. Over the weekend, the Trump Administration approved Georgia’s 1332 waiver that eliminates the state’s Marketplace and allows the private market (brokers, agents, and other private entities) to entirely conduct enrollment and sell plans. These entities would sell ACA plans alongside non-ACA complaint plans. This approval comes on the heels of the Administration approving Georgia’s 1115 Medicaid waiver that allows for Medicaid work requirements and also a partial Medicaid expansion. Should President Trump be re-elected, we can expect similar waivers to be pursued and approved throughout the country.

To view the full complete Weekly Preview, including Hearings of Note, click here. Check out this week’s episode of the Healthcare Preview podcast, now available on Sound Cloud, click here to subscribe.