Eric Zimmerman - McDermott+


Eric is a recognized Medicare law and policy authority and registered lobbyist who helps clients navigate federal legislative and regulatory processes related to Medicare coverage, coding, reimbursement and compliance.

Eric represents some of the country’s largest and most renowned health service providers, product manufacturers and trade associations before Congress, the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and other federal agencies. He was recently recognized by Business Insider as one of 34 DC Healthcare power players and featured on The Hill’s Top Lobbyist list for 2021.


  • George Mason University School of Law, J.D., 1997
  • George Washington University, M.B.A., 1993
  • Emory University, B.A., 1989

Representative Experience

  • Lead Washington representative for Trinity Health, the nation’s second largest Catholic health system.
  • Lead Washington representative for the Medicare-dependent Rural Hospital Coalition, a collaboration of 30 hospitals with MDH status dedicated to protecting and enhancing the benefits attendant that status.
  • Lead Washington representative for the Rural Referral Center/Sole Community Hospital Coalition, a collaboration of 80 hospitals with RRC or SCH status dedicated to protecting and enhancing the benefits attendant those designations.
  • Lead Washington representative for the Diabetes Access to Care Coalition, a lobbying collaboration among the major global manufacturers of diabetes testing equipment and supplies.
  • Washington representative of the Coalition for 21st Century Medicine, a collaborative effort among developers of and stakeholders interested in advanced laboratory diagnostics.