Potential Election Year Shakeup: Regulatory Implications of the Congressional Review Act - McDermott+

Potential Election Year Shakeup: Regulatory Implications of the Congressional Review Act

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) empowers Congress to act to invalidate regulations issued by federal agencies. These regulations include final rules, interim final rules and guidance documents. The CRA is most practically used by a new Congress to invalidate regulations issued by a previous administration and received within 60 legislative days of the previous Congress’ adjournment.

Should Republicans gain control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency, the 119th Congress could use the CRA to nullify certain Biden Administration regulations. With federal elections looming later this year, this article reviews the CRA and how it might impact the current administration’s regulatory agenda.


For more information, please contact Leigh Feldman.

For more on this topic, listen to our Health Policy Breakroom podcast, and visit our Election 2024 Resource Center for more on how the 2024 election cycle will impact health policymaking.