CMS has added star ratings to Hospital Compare.
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) operates Hospital Compare, a comparative tool that allows consumers to look at how well hospitals provide patient care relative to one another.
Effective today, April 16, CMS has added star ratings to Hospital Compare. For each hospital with at least 100 completed surveys, a star rating will be awarded for each of the publicly reported HCAHPS measures. Hospitals also will be given an overall star rating. Ratings will be updated quarterly.
The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey collects data measuring patients’ satisfaction with different aspects of their hospital care. HCAHPS questions measure how well nurses and doctors communicate with patients regarding their medication and discharge instructions, how responsive hospital staff are to patients’ needs, the cleanliness and quietness of rooms, and the overall rating of the hospitals and whether or not patients would recommend the hospitals to family and friends.